Evolution of the conventional ultra sonic test.
Get higher accuracy integrity of your pile to ensure foundation quality.

The Tubewave is an evolution of Crosshole Sonic Logging Technology. It is able to image an the circular cross section along the piles entire length.

Crosshole Sonic Logging Technology is able to scan multiple profiles of a pile because it requires multiple probes to determine pile integrity. 

Crosshole Sonic Logging Technology scans multiple profiles to determine pile integrity.

However, the sensors only detect integrity between the sonic logging piles.

Compared to the Tubewave which can detect integrity across the diameter of the pile. 

The Tubewave sensing technology will be able to scan the entire pile length to determine pile integrity result.

The trasmitter and receiver are at a fixed distance and allow the probe to detect cavities in 3D space.

Tubewave sensing technoly can be used for integrity testing for both driven piles and bored piles